Fortune loukoumades

Fortune Loukoulades is a performance installation about the different rhythms of everyday life in Athens, seen
through its street food. The dough of loukoumades, a traditional Greek dessert is applied on top of fortune cookies, a statement sweet within the street food culture of the city.

Looking into the clash between the fast lifestyle while still following traditional Greek values, dough and cultures mix the same way: sometimes our fast lifestyle overshadows the cultures that support it. 
The dough works as a polish, wrapping within it a different culture. Inside, the fortunes consist of Greek proverbs usually heard by older generations, reminding us to slow down.

The installation is meant to be felt through touch, smell and taste. The room is filled with the smell of fresh fried dough. The audience is encouraged to break them like a fortune cookie to read the proverbs but still eat them with honey and lick their fingers like a loukouma.